4 Signs The Universe Is About to Bless You with a Great Relationship
Are you single and waiting? Here are some signs that the universe may be about to bless you with a great relationship. While there are no guarantees these are things I’ve seen happen to those who are about to find ‘the one’.
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1. You Just Feel It
Sometimes when a big blessing is about to come, we just feel it in our bones. Before I met my financé I had this feeling that someone was going to come into my life really soon. I had that feeling for about a month or so and then I saw his profile on Compatible Partners. As soon I saw him I stopped talking to all the other guys I was talking to and just concentrated everything I had on winning him over.
2. You are Becoming The Person You Want to Date
We all want to get the best partner that we can get but sometimes we expect more from our partners than we do from ourselves. For example, you say you want a good wholesome guy yet you still are watching pornography every night, have Grindr installed on your phone, and go off on someone at the slightest provocation. Those are signs you are not yet ready for God to send you a wholesome partner. However, if you’ve begun working on those things and you’re no longer watching porn all the time or talking to guys who aren’t good for you on Grindr then God may finally bless you with the wholesome partner that you desire.
3. You Are Getting Better at Letting It Be
Letting it be is one of the keys to any relationship succeeding. If you want a spouse and a happy marriage then you need to learn how to communicate, understand, and accept their needs. I’ll just say right off the bat I’ll never understand why a financé feels the need to spend hours watching beauty pageants or to rearrange the furniture every 3-4 months in a room that is already functional. Likewise, he will never understand why I own every episode of every Star Trek series ever made. The key is not to try to understand it the key is to just let it be.
4. You Finally Learn The True Center of A Relationship
One of the big problems in modern relationships is we idolize our partners. In this era of ‘if it feels good do it’ God is often the last thing on our minds. However, we humans were created to worship God and when we take God out of the equation we find something else to worship and idolize. Most often that something is our partners. The reason this is problematic is because if we idolize our partners we are holding them up to an unrealistic standard, that of an idol. And when they do something human we are often crushed. However, when we make GOD the center of our relationships we realize that our partners are still human and will make mistakes. Once we realize that, then God will bless us with a great relationship. Meet your forever on Compatible Partners