On March 31st A fake Grindr profile was used to arrange meetups late at night in a parking lot. When the victims arrived, the large group of attackers began beating them.
One of the victims, aged 28, was admitted to a local hospital following the attack and is currently fighting for his life. The second victim managed to run away before sustaining significant injuries.
Josh Sanders
Josh Sanders (not his real name) had just been living in Nashville for less than a year and a half. One night he was having a good time at a bar in “The District” (Nashville’s gay scene)when he decided to change to another club. He was only slightly inebriated when he heard someone shouting.
He didn’t think much of it and begin looking through his phone before going to the next club. But then he heard the shout again this time from close behind him.
Whatcha ya doin you f**** f***?!
That’s when he saw two large skin heads standing over him. He remembers one of them told him he hopes he gets ‘aids and dies’. He tried to run but they caught him and threw a punch.
“Everything just went black” he said
He was found lying unconscious and bleeding on the sidewalk by his roommate who hadn’t heard from him in awhile and went searching for him.
Sanders was rushed to the hospital suffering from a skull fracture, scratched cornea, and several scratches and bruises. The attackers also took his phone.
Now Josh is afraid to leave the house alone. He won’t even take out the garbage without someone with him.
Thomas Autry Fought Back!
Thomas Autry was walking home from his waiter job in Atlanta when he saw 4 suspicious looking people. He ignored them and kept walking until he realized they were following him.
Once he saw they were armed with a shotgun and a pistol he ran until the group caught up with him.
This time was different.
Autry pulled out his pocket knife, kicked the shotgun out of the attackers’ hands, and stabbed one of the attackers at which point they ran off.
The police found the attackers at the hospital where one of them was pronounced dead. Autry was shaken but unharmed.
The situation could’ve been much worse had Autry not had the ability to defend himself.
LGBT people are the most targeted group for hate crimes!
According to the New York Times LGBTs are twice as likely to be targets of hate crimes than Blacks and even Jews.
Unfortunately, there are still many people that see gay men as effeminate, weak, and unable to defend themselves. You don’t have to fall into that category.
Don’t be a victim of gay bashing!
Some tips to protect your gay safety:
- There’s safety in numbers. Almost all of the victims were alone
- Don’t show fear. If you they think you’re likely to put up a fight they’ll leave you alone. Most bad guys are looking for easy pickings
- Have a self-defense tool
If you do have a gun then you need a concealed holster so you can have it when you need it. Period. I found this one for free just pay for shipping.
But many gay men and women are uncomfortable carrying a firearm. That’s okay; you can still protect yourself with things like this special Tac-Lite flashlight. It seems really cool and got one myself!
The bottom line is because Thomas Autry had a pocket knife he is alive and well.
I know many of you will say “But you can’t carry a knife everywhere!”
That’s true that’s why I recommend a tactical pen. It’s a fully functional self-defense tool cleverly disguised as a writing utensil and a flashlight. It has a tungsten steel striker, a bottle opener, and yes it actually writes!
Secret service agents carry pens like these!

I found a coupon where you can get a tactical pen for free! But it expires soon..